Tuesday 26 November 2019

Another rather fragmented (if somewhat better) day

Did some club admin, spent some money on hobby related stuff, which you can see when it arrives.

I did make a start on cleaning these up today - as I commented on Twitter, they're pretty much my first attempts at terrain boards: the water didn't dry properly, and I'm not sure how level the surface they were on was while it did. Anyway, I've started gouging out the water effect preparatory to re-grassing to match my other boards and then re-watering.

In other news, the new cat is staying :D That WAS my seat. I've also been promoted from 'scary two legs' to 'pink furless monkey who has opposable thumbs and knows where the ham is kept'.

For anyone else suggesting names, be aware that almost all tortoiseshells/calicos are female. Don't ask me why: I only do horse colour genetics!


  1. You’ve been taken on as a slave I see! Glad to hear that the cat approves of you, or you might have to leave.

  2. I for one, welcome your new feline overlord.

  3. Name : Dux, short for Dux Kitaniarum ?


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