Wednesday, 21 August 2019

Building a Chain Home station

AndyM and I have spent the evening building ... well, buildings, and other Sarissa stuff. Several pillboxes and an equipment shed (lovely pieces of engineering), a Chain Home Low radar antenna (gorgeous but fiddly, needed a bit of filing to make sure it rotated freely) and a complete set of Chain Home transmit and receive towers (again, a bit taxing but brilliant models)... (The searchlight Andy did earlier in the year,)

There's a plan in place involving these, some beach boards and some Fallschirmjäger, as well as some of Bad Squiddo's ATS figures (guesss where I got the searchlight :D)...


  1. Hmmmm - for the alleged (and obviously covered up) raid on one of the station on the Isle of Wight?

    1. Hi Tamsin.
      Is there any documentation for the raid you mentioned or is it another example of an effective MOD coverup to maintain the morale of the Home Front? Or, alternatively, is this just a very nice suggestion for a war game?

    2. is a good read on the subject.

  2. Will you be painting these models? If so, what colors might you be planning to use?

    1. The extant photos of RAF Ventnor and the one standing tower still in existence) at RAF Steingot suggest grey -

    2. ...although that's the transmitter towers. The receiver towers were apparently made of wood.


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