Sunday, 17 April 2016


Ok. Time to fess up.

That red bag was well packed with lead :D (barring some plastics and a rulebook). The Foundry bag was, however, light as a feather, for reasons which will become apparent later, despite being pretty much full.

So here's what I bought - picture captions will explain all. Just don't tell the wife :D Individual reviews to follow as and when things get used/painted etc.

Anything with a * before it wasn't on the original shopping plan....

SAGA Age of the Wolf campaign setting

GB Romano-British plastics.
Bad Squiddo Catherine the Great.
* Brother Vinni 4 pack of shield maidens
* Footsore Dark Ages Christian Priests

A freebie from Mr. Douglas (thanks,
mate) who insisted on feeding both my elf
and chocolate habits.

Elite Wargames and Models female Napoleonic characters
Offensive Miniatures 12 x 95th Rifles
* Eagle Figures 12 x Spanish Guerrillas
* Eagle Figures 24 x Spanish infantry

* Foundry 24 x Perry-sculped British flank company
* Foundry 8 x British light infantry command
* Foundry 9 x British Dragoons

Tablescape's lovely Peninsular buildings - these are ridiculously light
but robust, I WILL be buying more.

Tablescape's walls. (The Spanish scenery bits were all in
the Foundry bag and weigh next to nothing!)

The Warbases order - you can't go to a show without one!
50mm rounds, 15mm rounds (for the Royal Armouries game)
Sharp Practice wagon set
1p movement trays + magnets (need more!)
Show freebie figure and casualty tracler 

Alban Miniatures 95th Rifles (bought s/h before Salute,
unavailable any more as the business shut down this past January!)
Harper character figure is bottom left, Sharpe third from right top row.

Size/build comparison of the Alban and Offensive 95th - the latter
on the left are perhaps a little less slim, but not enough to be much
of an issue.
Pretty decent, and of a size with both the Foundry and the Eagle.
The Foundry are a bit chunkier but as they won't be based together,
it won't matter that much.


  1. Could it be you have a Sharpe Practice 2 project in the works? ;) Nice haul!

  2. Great purchase! I love those buildings!


  3. Looks like you are getting yourself well prepared for SPv2 Mike.

    I will have to check the website for the Eagle and Offensive miniature figures and those buildings look just the ticket.

  4. Some grest loot Mike! Didn't realise Alban had ceased trading???

  5. I have a lot of time for Tablescape - been using some of their sci-fi stuff for years, it's doing fine. Good mix of robust and ready to go at the right price!


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