Next, you take a nice big empty ice-cream tub and a big jar of coarse-ish flock of whatever colour takes your fancy, and spread out some newspaper, 'cause this next bit could get a little messy. Pour the flock into the tub, and then go find your big can of unscented hairspray.
One very important note: do not, at this point, do as I did and drop the tree. The hairspray is only a fairly tenuous hold, and you will get a fair bit of slightly tacky flock all over your jeans and floor. Don't do this. :D
Eventually, you'll wind up with something that looks like a tree. In fact, it looks better than the ones made with coarser clump foliage, in my book.
The next (and penultimate) stage is to liberally (again, I really do mean this) spray the end result with slightly dilute PVA until every bit of the foliage is coated, and put the tree someplace to dry for a good long time. The glue I used was Treemendus Scenefix Glue, which comes with its own spray atomiser, and unlike the Woodland Scenics one, seems to work. One tip though - when you're done, remove the spray head, hold the end of the tube in some running hot water and spray through for a while, so the drying glue doesn't clog up the works. (By the way, Treemendus are now promoted to my links sidebar for being fantastic - not only do they produce a PVA spray that works, they also make the awesome forest floor scatter I use.)
This is where I am at the moment. The final stage is to give it a bit of a haircut where (as you can see) some of the horsehair strands have got a bit straggly, but I'm going for patience here and leaving it to dry for at least a day. But I hope you can see at this point what the end result is going to come out like.
A quality looking tree and excellent tutorial.
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing,
Nicely done. I can't resist a good tree tutorial, its a bit of an obsession. I have a tute with a similar method up on my blog ( It's for a larger scale tree (almost a foot tall) so I make my own armature from twigs, and instead of horsehair I use polyfiber. I invite you to have a look--it might be useful, even though there are some things I'm going to change in an update post eventually.
ReplyDeleteGood luck in your quest for the perfect tree!
Magic Wash, huh. I'm definitely going to try that out! Thanks!
DeleteMike, that looks terrific. Very realistic. I think that looks the business.
ReplyDeleteIf you needed yet another variation (not that you do).....
.....We did loads of trees at the club a while back using rubberised horsehair. One alternative to hairspray we found was using a large tub of very cheap matt wood varnish. Once you have the horsehair on the tree, dip the while tree in the varnish, soaking the horsehair, and then dip the varnish-covered tree in the flock (and shake off any excess). Best do this outdoors in decent weather with rubber gloves as its a filthy job. But once the varnish is dry, the flock is never coming off, and the varnish soaked-horsehair is very rigid afterwards.
I'm open to any and all options. That one sounds messy but disturbingly effective, as does Mattias' magic wash (Johnson's Klear/Future).
DeleteIt appears that the PVA dries in about 36 hours, but it does take a LOT of glue, and I suspect that dunking it in a bucket of cheap dilute PVA may be better than buying the Treemendous stuff at 100ml a time.
Mike, agreed. The varnish method is horrible to do, but easy and very cheap. As I recall, the varnish dries overnight and the flock's glued solidly thereafter - "disturbingly effective" is just about the best expression for it! As for how much varnish is needed - I'd say one large cheap tin will do for at least 50 trees in 25mm scale.