Salutary lesson of the week: I am currently scanning and OCRing about 100 pages of printout that I did at one point about 25 years ago have on disk on my last Apple Mac but... um... about six or seven. Somewhere along the way they failed to get transferred across machines (I'm pretty sure they survived to around 2000 in a set of Claris Emailer folders, and possibly on my last mail server but three, but those HDs are long gone :(). Lessons learned, especially nowadays:
- if you're attached to it, back it the heck up. Most stuff I care about is backed up both on Dropbox and on a Synology NAS at home, as well as local disk on my Macs. Stuff I'm really passionate about also has a copy on Google Drive.
- There is EVEN LESS excuse for it than there was 25 years ago, with the advent of the cloud: one of my friends had a copy of most if not all the stuff I'm scanning, and like an idiot when she found it for me in 2007 I managed to accidentally delete it with no copy. And hers was on floppies...
- On a happier note, LeadTools OCR is a very nice free app (for Mac among others) for converting scanned documents to Text. Surprisingly error free and comes with a nice set of cleanup tools: I'm averaging about 3 errors a page on about 8 point laser printed text, which plenty few enough I'm happy to correct them by hand afterwards.
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