Got some useful feedback back from Pat, one of my consultants on natural dyestuffs, which I've added to the relevant appendix. Also tidied up a few more bits and pieces in the main body of the text, included fixing bits of the weather rules as they apply to the setup for battles (as opposed to raid) which has been sitting as a red-inked couple of paragraphs for far too long (mostly because I didn't want to have to rewrite it if the proposed battle rules turned out not to work!).
Tomorrow, some stuff in the Hirelings section that's been a red-ink
<todo> for far too long.
Also trying to decide if this (on the right) is a useful weathered parchment background - some much abused silicone baking sheet. I stuck it through the scanner and cleaned it up a bit in Pixelmator Pro, and the answer seems to be yes.

Other than that I've test painted one Star Wars: Imperial Assault Stormtrooper, sworn some more at Citadel Contrast Apothecary White (which I do NOT like), re-sprayed all 9 again and painted one!
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