Sunday, 7 January 2024

And here comes 2024...

I have plans. 

I'm definitely not stupid enough to expect these to survive contact with the enemy but, hey, we can hope, right?

So, on the todo list:

  • Finish the Dux Compendium :D (attempting to achieve headspace for that at present)
  • Paint a lot more BattleTech stuff (no, more than that, the Kickstarter's arriving Q2 and, erm, well, I may have indulged in considerable retail therapy....)
  • Run campaigns at the club
    • What a Cowboy (deferred from 2023 for obvious reasons) - Q1/2
    • BattleTech: Alpha Strike - details TBC - Q3/4
  • Run RPGs @ home. My long-running (since 2019) weekly sanity break Zoom-based 5E campaign finished in December, and I'm aiming to split my time going forward with two fortnightly ones:
    • a 5E campaign set in a different corner of my world
    • a BattleTech RPG campaign set on - well, that's a secret for now
  • Start on the Epic ACW plastic (and MDF) pile
  • Finish the 15mm Bulge forces and buildings, consider an IABSM Bulge narrative campaign later in the year
  • Get someone else to paint my 28mm British and French, and play some Sharp Practice 2
  • Play with the laser cutter
  • Blog and podcast as and when.
Yes, that's a fair bit, but, to misquote Robert Browning, "a man's reach should exceed his grasp, Or what's a hobby for?" (hands up who thought that was Kipling? - I did)

1 comment:

  1. You are not the only one that indulged greatly with last year's Battletech KS! Looking forward to seeing how you get on with it all, not just BT but Dux and Bulge items as well


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