Sunday, 6 January 2019

A belated Happy New Year

Well, that was an interesting year. Didn't quite go according to plan, but hey - what can you do? :D

For those following on Twitter, I still have the tail end of a cold, so I'm holding off on the next episode of The Miller's Tale until I can do so without having to spend an extra hour editing out coughs. That said - every cloud has a silver lining, and while I miss helping to co-present Meeples, it does mean I've produced more episodes in the past 6 months than in the previous... um... yeah. 5 years?

At this time last year, I was hoping to get to spend a few months putting in some full time work on varios wargaming projects - funny how this never quite works out, isn't it? On the plus side, I do now have an office in the converted workshop (which took FAR longer than planned), as well as a wargames retailer (PE2 Collectables. soon to be rebranded as Wargames Direct) at the bottom of my garden. I've been surprisingly good at staying out of temptation's way. even so - PE2C are mostly (very) useful for those "erm, Reuben, I've run out of Army Painter spray black..." moments.

Plans for this year... well, apart from Really Really Finishing the Dux Compendium? I'm currently doing the Twitter #hobbystreak tag, which given the number of hobby-related irons in the fire should mean I find something to do each day: having a workbench as part of my office does make it easier to get odd bits done in lunch breaks or at the end of the day. Apart from the blog, which has been sadly neglected since last January, I have a Cruel Seas fleet to assemble, some Peninsular Napoleonics to either paint or cause to be painted, and a bunch of Skytrex WW2 ships to paint. Once the Dux Compendium is done, I have the figures and background work for another project, of which more later.

So - Happy New Year, and I'll hopefully catch you online in short or long written form, or audio, or at a show!
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