Thursday 21 November 2019

Now it's not a shapeless brown lump....

 So, in a nutshell, it's a cut out from a Google Image search
of the Uffington Hill horse stuck down on a 'chalk' painted
area of the hill (with Citadel Wraith Bone spray), and used as
a mask so grass won't stick to the hillside.
Putting some finishing touches to the chunks of pink foam that Andy cut for me on Saturday and Sunday, and I started work on yesterday.

Yes, it's a hill with a white horse :D

Usual approach, although in the absence of any 3mm hardboard the hill is stuck down on 3mm foam board to hopefully keep it from getting scuffed at the corners.

Grasswork is the usual. If you've missed out on this, there is a video (yes, you actually get to hear me talk) on a previous post here.

The end result.
Note this fits Andy and my standard hill geometry - in fact the
right hand end is one small extra hill and a spare from the
Omaha Beach build.  
One aside - the layering spray in the pump bottle does tend to gunk up with dried glue if you're not careful, so you really do need to do what they suggest and spray warm soapy water through the nozzle straight after you're done (just unscrew the lid, dip the business end in a cup of warm water and washing up liquid and squirt a lot). I didn't last time I did this, so I had to buy a couple of cheap spray bottles off Amazon to decant the otherwise perfectly good layering glue into.

Anyway, here's the process:

  • WarWorld Scenics's 2mm summer grass, on a layer of Hobbycraft PVA, using their static grass applicator;
  • WarWorld's layering spray, while the previous layer of grass is still wet;
  • More static grass, this time WWS Autumm 4mm, with the applicator;
  • More layering spray, again while still wet;
  • More static grass - WWS 6mm dead
  • More layering spray
  • a light dusting of WWS 2mm field straw in a few places
  • peel off the mask, pat self on back :D
  • various grass tufts, and Noch flowers.
  • A couple of rocks out of the garden.
And there you go. 

If you're at Steel Lard, you may well see it. Or even play on it.


  1. The end result looks great. I think that a white horse is a necessity for dark age Britain. Any plans for the Cerne Giant?

  2. The Cerne giant is a great idea, but I'm afraid I might c*ck up the sculpting !!!

    1. ...and sadly it's actually generally considered to date from the 17th century these days.

    2. Oh so you’ll need an ECW project....

  3. Quite good, and I like how it is both playable and looks like an actual hill.

    1. Thanks! (I have to keep reminding myself that 'quite good' is a bigger complement in US English!)


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