Wednesday 16 October 2019

I had a great title for this post when I thought about it last thing last night...

...but I can't remember what it is now. (FX: more Lemsip)

So, yesterday. I pre-ordered Bad Squiddo's fabulous Bofors gun because, well, it's fabulous, and also see not-so-Secret Project S!

Also composed several relatively carefully worded tweet replies and - on a related tack - considered editing the podcast before realising that (probably fortunately) it had been superseded by events, and I was going to have to think very carefully and rerecord one section. Still have a decidedly croaky voice and no brain, so that's not one for now.


  1. It's a splendid model, not sure I need it but I certainly want it.

  2. I find post titles the hardest bit...everyone else seems to be able to come up with amusing puns or pithy titles while mine at the moment seem to be along the lines of 'I have painted stuff'


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