Friday 11 October 2013

Friday news roundup

A few odds and sods that have filtered through during my rather mental week at work.

  • Plastic Soldier Company's 15mm Churchill's are imminent - sufficiently so, you may see some at SELWG this coming Sunday. £19.50 for a box of 5.
  • Neil Shuck's been busy
    • A new episode of View From The Verandah with Henry Hyde - always good for a long journey, this one includes a tribute to the late Don Featherstone
    • A new Meeples and Miniatures - I had no hand in this one, but it includes a review of Dead Man's Hand (which I saw and really liked at Partizan) and an interview with its creator Stuart McCorquadale from Great Escape Games.
  • The Winter War Kickstarter has finished, raising over £50K. I foresee some serious painting in my future. 
  • Mantic's Mars Attacks Kickstarter is doing what Mantic Kickstarters do. I'm resisting this one :D

1 comment:

  1. I think we are in the same boat regards Winter War, my mate thinks his will be delivered by fork lift!!! :-)



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