Wednesday 24 July 2013

Ban Warhammer????

I'm trying to figure out what the author of this blog post on the Telegraph's site is on. I sincerely hope he's not serious, or even semi-serious and being artily ironic.

For all I've made it pretty clear in the past I'm not a Games Workshop fan, that's just ....meh. If it's meant as a mockery of the hobby, it's asinine, petty and cheap. The Telegraph must clearly be desperate to fill column inches.

For a longer and well-written critique, check out Big Lee's views on it, which appeared after I drafted this post last night, and pretty much match mine.


  1. I can't work it out. Satire? Doesn't come across as such... Humour...self-deprecating? Doesn't come across as that either, as it's rather poorly written...

    It actually does come across as insulting...which makes it all the more poorly written if it is meant to be satirical humour.

    Waste of time, energy and internet space...

  2. I was more scared by the integrism in the comments of the article :P

  3. I don't know - I thought it a humorous piece based on his own memory of Warhammer and the cost to him of his obsession with it. I don't think it is altogether serious. But perhaps it is also a statement upon David Cameron's call to ban pornography. Now, there's porn and there's porn - some I'd watch, but there's a lot out there that's a bit too raw for my taste. Where does Mr Cameron draw his line?

    For that, I find a good deal of David Cameron's braying about the ills of society ("we have to drain the swamp where extremists breed" - or words to that effect) simply hypocritical. David Cameron to my mind is an arch-criminal who, conniving at defrauding and robbing the Common Weal, insults belittles and threatens the Commons whom he has violated. Why? Because that Commons actually had the consummate gall and cheek to raise some kind of protest.

    If you want to listen to an apt description of David Cameron, check out Rowan Atkinson's 'Wedding Speech by the Father-in-Law.' The subject of the speech is called 'Gerald', but for mine, the Rt Hon. D. Cameron could have been his model.

  4. Looks to me like the same stereotyping that's the reason no sensible SF convention encourages reporters -- even if they get a reporter who writes a real story, the sub-editor will run a picture of a fat guy in a Star Trek uniform with the caption "beam me up Scotty". Since the typical Telegraph reader -- not that there are many left -- will never interact with a fantasy wargamer (or probably even an historical one), they feel just as safe stereotyping these people as they do with immigrants.

  5. I can't work out if its meant to be a joke or not? The thing I always find hilarious is the same people that will tell you that wargaming is sad and for kids will obsessively follow football and collect shirts etc. Somehow their obsessive hobby is socially acceptable but my hobby which has given me a huge wealth of knowledge about a wide range of history is not. I'm not a GW fan though.

  6. I think I have an idea of what he is trying to do but I'm not sure. I am sure he is missing the mark though. It needs an editor who says "You go either with this idea or that, now it is just half-baked intentions. It may look good inside your mind but it really isn't".
    What is he aiming at? Cameron? Wargaming? That the pursuit of pair-bonding is the goal above all others? That Pluto is actually a planet? Or is he using 60s cut-up writing techniques with non-sensical cliches for material?


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