Monday 1 July 2013

Announcing Necropolis 2 - Judge Dredd Miniatures Tournament

Date: Sunday, September 8th
Time: 9:00am-5:00pm
Location: Peterborough Wargames Club, St John Ambulance Hall, Peterborough

Judge Death and the Dark Judges have returned to Mega City One; only Dredd and the forces of the Justice Department stand between them and the inhabitants of the city. Can the Dark Judges be defeated, or will they succeed in sentencing the citizens to Death?

Choose a side and join in this one-day Judge Dredd tournament/campaign, culminating in a multi-player battle for the fate of the city.

Tickets: £10. Contact to book a place, or watch out on our website for more details and an online booking form. We're hoping to have some support from the guys from Mongoose on the day, as well.

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