Saturday 20 July 2013

Advance vacation notice

Well, at least it's cooler today! The last few days in my part of the UK have been running Orlando, FL neck and neck for temperature, and not that far lower on humidity.

Which leads me neatly into a note that I'm on vacation from this coming Thursday for a fortnight (that's two weeks to you folks from across the pond) with Anne and James (and her sister and kids) to the aforementioned sunny Orlando. We will doubtless be crossing the Mouse's palm with silver, visiting Kennedy, catching a ball game and heaven knows what else. I am hoping to convince Anne that 'doing nothing' is as valid a use of a holiday as walking round Universal in 90 degree heat, but I guess we'll see when we get there!

Two things, as a result:

- I probably won't be keeping up the daily post schedule. You will get some posts, but, heck, I'm on holiday - there certainly won't be any battle reports!

- I have a large pile of parcels going in the USPS office in Orlando as soon as I get there - relax, US based prize draw winners, these are your prizes (and with NO love to the Royal Mail for their international parcel rates, which are beyond a joke). Non-US folks, I will try and make sure I get yours in the post before I go. Please accept my sincere apologies this has taken quite so long.


  1. Have a great vacation. There is plenty to do in the land of the big mouse. Disney has an area called Pleasure Island that can be quite fun. They had a comedy club that was really good the last time I was there. Enjoy.

  2. Yes, have a great vacation. And good idea on mailing from the states. At least for the stuff going to the states.

  3. Have a great holiday. Hope to meet up with you maybe in September. I will ping you an email about that a bit later. T


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