Monday 3 June 2013

100K Prize Draw day 1 - the winners

Back from a trip to Bomber County (that's Lincolnshire) for the weekend. Didn't do East Kirkby, but did get buzzed by their Dakota at about 1000 feet while on the roof of Tattershall Castle, which was pretty awesome. The window displays also reminded me of stuff I need to do in the next heraldry post!

Got back and managed to do a bit more work on scenery - specifically, started on some terrain tiles. Ran out of foam glue, so that's it for now :D

And now (drumroll):

The Results:

The Airfix 54mms go to M R Lee.
The 20mms go to Monty

Congratulations to you both - if you could wing an email to with your address, I'll add your prizes to the end-of-the-week posting pile!


  1. Congrats guys! Thanks for the chance Mike.

  2. Great! Unbelievable! I won! :-D

    Thanks a lot Mike!
    I'll contact you asap.


  3. Cheers for this Mike!
    Sent you a mail on it! Thanks again!

  4. Congrats to both of you! :)


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