Thursday 30 May 2013

100K Prize draw part 4

The Prize:

Reverting to 'what on earth are these doing in the bits box????' mode :D

I'll split these if someone only wants one of the two.

  • A collection of what I believe are early pre-slotta Citadels - they look like they'd mostly pass for Brettonians. I can scare you up some of the plastic shields to go with.
  • A 40K Commissar Yarrick figure. AND (as a bonus extra 'look what I found while tidying') three metal Genestealers!
The Rules:

Just in case you've forgotten:
  • One (1) entry if you are a registered follower and comment on the post. If there are multiple lots, please say which you're interested in (both is fine!)
    , and I'll redraw for the other if the winner only wants one.
  • One (1) bonus entry if you plug this day's draw on your blog and comment with a link to say you've done so.
The Draw

0800 BST Thursday 6th June


  1. Gotta say, this is an awesome idea. I plugged today's post on this blog entry today:

  2. Love it.. and would love to get in on the Yarrick model there!

  3. Ohhh they are nice. Can you please enter me into todays draw...both lots of goodies look great

  4. Oh my, I would love to get my hands on those "Brettonians" - the good commissar can go to another worthy commenter.

    I posted a link to this entry on my blog, here:

  5. Well, I would like to get those Brettonians... sure.

  6. Posted on my blog:


  7. Very cool, I'd go with the Yarrick model for my son... (close inspection reveals happy memories when GWs pricing was nearly sane!)

  8. Count on me for those pre-slottas medievals!
    Yummy lead!

  9. count me in for both great stuff
    Peace James

  10. Those all look grand. Please put me down again. Thanks.

  11. Lovely idea, thank you! I am interested in the yarrick and stealers.

  12. Oooh, old 40k figures!

    I have deliberately abstained from participating in this draw since none of the stuff was directly interesting. Tempting, yes, but not directly related to anything I game at the moment.

    But these... old metal genestealers! I have a horde of about 80 stealers, of which three are metal. So I NEED these :-)

    So for the record, enter me for only the 40k figures, please.

  13. I feel old now, I remember the Commissar Yarrick figure when it first came out. I'm definitely interested in him, if only for nostalgia reasons!

  14. I'd love to win those first batch of minis. If you're doing it as one draw, and I win, please pull someone else out of the hat for the 40K minis, as although they are pretty, I'd rather they went to someone who would use them.

  15. Please sign me up for the draw for Commissar Yarrick. Thank you.


  16. I'm in for the first lot, will post on my blog later.


    1. Pimped here:

  17. Now THERE's a prize. I'm definitely in. Note, however, that the link I'm providing for all the contests is to a single blog post which links to all of the contests I'm entering.

    I'm a little unclear as to whether this will give me two shots at each contest, or on just one of them. But if it's just one, I would like it to be this one please.

    Here is the link:

    Cheers, and congratulations!

  18. I'd love to win the pre-slottas! The Yarrick's quite nice too, I never had that miniature when I was younger (fade out into rose-tinted nostalgia...)

  19. Count me in again please


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