Sunday 26 May 2013


Yay! 100,000 page views.

I'm going to be very bad, and make this a very short post, as it's nearly 11pm, and I've been setting up, running and live-streaming a folk concert for the fabulous Talis Kimberley (and her other half Simon and my tame archaeologist Chantelle), and I am cream crackered.

Thank you to everyone who's read, commented, and followed: you're too numerous to mention individually, but a special nod to the folks I consider an inspiration: my partner in Dark Ages crime Andy Hawes, the regularly entertaining and thought-provoking Phil Broeders, and the amazing and inspiring Sidney Roundwood.

As promised, there will be a prize draw, starting tomorrow and spread over the next week.

See you all for the next 100K!


  1. Congratulations on breaking 100K in pageviews!

  2. Well done on reaching 100k!

  3. Excellent job. You have a great blog and I look forward to your posts.

  4. Another blog breaks the 100K and well deserved too.

    Congrats to you



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