Thursday 18 October 2012

Anglo-Saxon portraits, a BBC series

Courtesy of my ex-employers Aunty Beeb :D

iPlayer link here - also available on iTunes under 'The Radio 3 Documentary' for non-UK listeners (thanks Stefano!)
"Portraits of thirty ground-breaking Anglo-Saxon men and women.
The Anglo-Saxons are somewhat out of fashion, yet the half millennium between the creation of the English nation in around 550 and the Norman Conquest in 1066 was a formative one. 
This major new series for BBC Radio 3 rediscovers the Anglo-Saxons through vivid portraits of thirty individuals.
Contributors include Nobel prize-winner Seamus Heaney on the Beowulf bard; departing Archbishop of Canterbury Rowan Williams on the first Archbishop of Canterbury, St Augustine; writer David Almond on the oldest surviving English poet, Caedmon; Michael Wood on King Alfred; Martin Carver on Raedwald; Richard Gameson on Eadfrith the Scribe; Helena Hamerow on the peasant-farmer; Geoffrey Robertson QC on the law-makers."
First up? Vortigern. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link Michael - sounds interesting. Now I've just got to remember to follow the link and listen in while painting :)


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