Tuesday 6 August 2013

Mike's 50th Birthday Prize Draw

For those of you who missed the memo, I turned 50 yesterday (today as I'm typing this, but this post is scheduled to go up tomorrow).

I got several goodies (including a slightly-ahead-of-time iPad mini). but I'm feeling charitable, so I'm going to run a special one-off Mike's 50th Birthday Prize Draw. The rules are as follows:
  • You get one entry if you comment on this post;
  • You get one bonus entry if you pimp this post on your blog, and link to that on this post;
  • Special honour bonuses - please declare if either of these apply to you when you comment (I trust you to be honourable, though I may check your blog if you have one if you win :D :D):
    • You get a bonus entry if you play Bolt Action;
    • You get a bonus entry if you don't currently own or play any Too Fat Lardies rules.
  • You may get a bonus entry, at my discretion, for publicising this someplace particularly audacious or clever, as long as you manage not to annoy people doing it :D
  • Closing date for entries is 23:59 UK time Sunday 18th August (two weeks time). Draw will be made early Monday 19th (using random.org) to allow you to get your order in at pre-order rates for the bundles;
  • I would appreciate if the winner made their victory public.
The prize is a £25 gift voucher with Too Fat Lardies, which will get you the basic Chain of Command rules-only bundle plus (most of) postage, or the tablet/PDF edition and some bits bundle, or you can add to it to get one of the other bundles.

Why am I doing this?

Because I think Chain of Command is going to be one of the best WW2 platoon-level rulesets ever, because I want to spread the word as much as possible, and because I'm prepared to put my money where my mouth is.

Have at it, and the best of luck.


  1. Happy birthday Mike! I hope you had a great day.

    For the record, I'd like to go into the draw, I don't own or play any of the Lardies' products.

    1. And here's the plug http://diplomatist2.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/welcomes-birthday-and-plug.html

    2. Also pimped on FB - https://www.facebook.com/edwin.king.3323?hc_location=stream

  2. Happy birthday señor Whitaker!! And welcome to 50's club (which I joined last year). BTW I won't forget your birthday date as it coincides with my mother's.

    Thanks for your very generous offer, that I will gladly take even if I already preordered my bundle last week. I'll of course post this in my blog and will also publish in the most popular Spanish wargaming forum, where I'm attempting to convert some natives who play Bolt Action. I'll come back with the links as a proof of my actions.

    Enjoy your day!

    1. Award my points for pimping, please
      (1) In my blog (BTW hope you like the shirt; it will be my present to you... and will include the content if I win the prize, je.je):

      (2) In La Armada forum (will you need the translation?)

    2. Happy Birthday...I've never played a Two Fat Lardies game.

  3. Happy 50th - it is the new 20 or so I have been told.

    Just the basic single entry for me please

  4. Happy belated birthday! Sadly I don't merit the the bonus round because I've not yet tried Bolt Action and I've recently bought Quadrant 13 by Rob Avery (absolutely killer by way!)None this less many happy returns of the day youngster...)

  5. Points for pimping:http://getitpainted.blogspot.se/2013/08/another-give-away-and-very-nice-one.html
    No points for BA. No points for non-TFL as I play little else.

  6. Happy Birthday Mike.
    Only played Bolt Action once at Salute where I also played a game of Chain of Command and which I now have a pre-order in.
    So a single entry for me please Birthday Boy.

  7. Young Whippersnapper. I've played Bolt Actio twice, does that count for a bonus?

  8. Happy birthday!!
    I´ll turn 50 in three years... sigh.

  9. Eh? Why's that? It's very kind, thank you.

  10. I post again, I used the wrobg account previously.

  11. Pimped here:


  12. Yep, pimping - I play BA (just newly) but I like your idea of pimping Lard.

    1. Oh, and Happy Birthday! 50 is easy, wait until your 60s! (from one who knows).

  13. Happy birthday Mr Whitaker. You seem to be a fairly generous chap when it comes to prize draws, so thanks for the opportunity once again.

    I currently don't own or play any Too Fat Lardies games because I'm waiting for Chain of Command. Cheers, James.

  14. Happy Birthday!

    Pimped you on http://figurfanatikern.blogspot.se/2013/07/chain-of-command-pre-orders.html

    For the record, I own Bolt Action but have only played it once so I don't think it counts. Oh, and if I win I will be giving my prize away to a friend since I already have pre-ordered Chain of Command.

    1. Of course I pimped you on http://figurfanatikern.blogspot.se/2013/08/coc-update-and-coc-giveaway.html and nowhere else...

  15. Happy Birthday Mike! I joined the 50s club a couple years ago. It's not all bad!! Have had a couple of games of BA. We have used them for WW1 and I do have some Yanks and Germans to paint up. Don't have any TFL rules but Chain of Command does sound interesting! Please count me in!

  16. Happy Birthday - see if you can get to 50 Comments (one per year)

    Amazing how many comments you get for Freebies.

    I have played Bolt Action and CoC (as you know!) but don't add me to the draw - as I have already ordered CoC!

    Enjoy the rest of your birthday treats, I passed 50 a while ago - and it is not too bad.

    Look forward to the next 50!

  17. Happy 50th Mike! I hope you have a great day of celebrations.

  18. Happy Birthday!
    Keep up the good blogging. No need to enter me, just dropped by to wish you many happy returns

  19. Happy Birthday Mike! Hope the year ahead is a great one.

    Just one entry for me - I don't play BA but I am currently building up some Redcoats for Sharp Practice


  20. Happy birthdayt Mike!
    I don't own nor play any Lardies game.
    I already pre-ordered CoC but I'd be happy to have one extra ruleset to give to some of my friends where I live.
    Thank you :)

  21. Happy Birthday Mike. Count me in to the draw, and I've just pimped the competition on my blog http://www.blmablog.com/2013/08/mr-whitaker-turns-50.html

    Oh and I'm a TFL virgin having admired their games from afar but never got round to buying or playing any of them (so many good rule-sets out there, and not enough brain cells in here [points to head]).

    1. I came here Via Big Lee's Blog. So having said that have a very happy and worthwhile year ahead.

      I personally do not wish to be entered in the draw. As I have put myself on a wargames Fast for the next month and entering any prize draw would be seen in my eyes as an attempt to side-step the whole point of the fast.

      Best of luck though I hope it all goes well.

  22. Happy Birthday Mike. Count me in. I have pimped your blog and my favourite post of yours on my own bit of the internet:


    Have a great day with the family, mate. As for TooFatLardies...didn't they d a cooking programme? ;)

  23. Happy birthday!

    No need to enter me in the draw, I'm still deciding how to spend my winnings from the last one. :-)

  24. Likewise, no need to enter me into the draw... but,

    Happy Birthday!

  25. Many happy returns of the day. I remember being 50 like it was only five years ago...possibly because it was :-)


  26. Happy birthday!

    I've not played any TFL games, but I do occasionally play some BA. I was reading about Chain of Command in one of the games magazines recently and the deployment phase seemed like a really neat mechanic

  27. Happy birthday mike! I'm a bolt action player with no too fat lardies games. And I've pimped you via my blog http://lordbert.wordpress.com/2013/08/06/too-fat-lardies-prize/

  28. Happy Birthday, Mike, 50 is nifty! I'm navigating my 50's rather well so far. I would like to enter the drawing; I play Bolt Action when others run it and hopefully will play a few times next week at GenCon.
    I do not own any of the TFL rules, but have looked at their site more than once.
    Party on!

  29. Happy Birthday! I own 'Bolt Action' but haven't played it yet. Of course winning a set of 'Chain of Command' might save my soul from 'Bolt Action'! I think I'll be buying a copy if I don't win anyway! ;-)

  30. Happy Birthday Mike! Seems we share not only the same interest but birthdays as well. Only mine is, alas, 6o and not 50.

    Chain of Command is pre- ordered of course but the biggest hit at our club is DuxB with 2 multiplayer campaigns being played simulteaneously and players already baying for the Riders suplement.

    IABSM is still my favourite for the SCW, but I've never played Bolt Action so far.

  31. Happy Birthday Mike! 50 Not out, great score. :) I've never played Bolt Action and I own many lard products and play them until I constantly see "Tea Break" in front of my eyes...

  32. Happy Birthday. I shall raise a glass to you tonight at the local.

    One entry only please

  33. Sounds cool, here's my comment. Also, happy birthday! Do we get bonus for sending you delicious cake? ;)

    I do own Sharpe Practice and Dux Britanniarum but haven't played yet. :/

    Shared on my Facebook page:

    ..and Warseer's Historical Discussions board:

    So yeah, that's that and IF I win you can be sure that I rub it in everybody's face. ;)

  34. Happy Birthday Mike! Many happy returns.

    I'd love to enter the draw. To which end, I posted a link here (http://leadandpaint.blogspot.ca/2013/08/colore-ton-monde-aout-damned-bugs.html).

    Also, I do not yet own any rules by the Two Fat Lardies (shocking I know), although I have been long tempted by Sharp Practice!

  35. Happy 50th birthday Mike, you're a gentleman and a scholar.

    I'm looking forward to the release of CoC and would love to enter your lucky dip.

    I've linked to your post on my blog here:


    I don't play Bolt Action and I don't own or play any Too Fat Lardies rules, yet :)

    Best wishes,


  36. Happy 50th, Mike. Alas, I have no blog of my own for pimping purposes. But please accept this as my one entry (already a TFL player).

    As a long-time reader of your blog, I want to take this opportunity to ask something I've always wondered: is the name of the blog based on a Monty Python skit?

    1. Kind of :D
      I live in 'The Mill House' in Peterborough, right mnext to the old windmill :D

  37. How could I not sign up for this. Just posted about it: http://cstoesen.blogspot.com/2013/08/birthday-prizes-from-mike.html

    Very happy birthday. I received my LOTR winnings from the last prize draw and am very happy. I have most of the lard products and I don't play Bolt Action.

  38. Happy Belated Birthday Mike. I hope I will be around to celebrate and have a chance to win some special magnificence on your eleventy-first birthday.

    a) I have played Bolt Action once, and as a result plan on picking up the rules (See my blog entry re Cangames 2013).
    b) I do not own nor have I played any rule sets by Too Fat Lardies.
    c) I have pimped your blog at


    Enjoy your day and Happy Gaming

  39. Happy Return's and here's to the next 50.

    You have got to be in it to win it......

    I don't do BA and will have been a Lardy for 10 years when CoC is launched later this month.

    Yours aye


    The larger half of the McHighland Brigade

  40. Wow! 50 years old.... not that much further in front of my actually :O) I expect that you will get more than 50 posts ;O)

    a/ I own Through the Mud and Blood.

    b/ I haven't as of yet had a chance to play the game as everyone at the SESWC club was using The Great War at the time of purchase.

    c/ I am about to buy Sharp Practice for use with the new Perry Retreat from Moscow range, for which I will be doing a demo game.

    d/ I've pimped your blog on my Just Add Water Blog:



  41. commenting for the draw. bolt action yes; too fat lardies no.

    and happy birthday :o)

  42. Happy Birthday Mike, hope the day went well ;-)

    No need to add me into the giveaway though as I don't think I would have the time to get into another set of rules at the moment


  43. Happy 50th Mike!!!
    No to Bolt Action but a yes to owing a set of rules (Sharpes Practice)

  44. Just want to say "Happy Birthday"!

    Don't count me in for the giveaway, cause I'm not a gamer! Just a painter of figures!


  45. Well being 50 myself and an avid gamer it would be an injustice to not congratulate you on reaching the pinnacle of the bellcurve, now its the downward slide where one 'in theory' finds more time to focus on their hobbies. Cheers to ya mate!

    Oh as to your comments, yes I've played Bolt Action (see older posts at my blog) and I do own quite a bit of the Lardies products. I will add you to my blog'o'sphere when I get hime (after gaming this eve) as I am limited with what I can do on my work machine

  46. Happy Birthday Mike and congrats at hitting the big 50. I will be pimping this on my blog Hitting on a Double 1. I play Bolt Action and have Fallschirmjager and Japanese. Although I have played some Lardies games I have never had any of their rules. An oversight I should rectify so please add me to the giveaway. Cheers.

  47. Happy 50th Mike, I hit 40 this year and am feeling wobbly over that!
    For the record I own and play IABSM3, Charlie Dont Surf and Sharp Practice. Im a bit of a Lardy fan.

  48. Happy 50th....tis but a scratch!
    Do I qualify for a bonus entry having bought Bolt Action, read through them, decided they weren't for me and sold them straight on?

  49. Happy birthday mate! Hope it's a fabulous one! No need to enter me into the draw as I don't really play WW2 games (as you know) and I already have all the Lardie rules I need for the mo.

  50. Happy Birthday Mike. I'm definitely in as I don't own any TFL titles. WWII would be good, I've also had my eye on Dux Brittaniarum. I'll post a reply to this with a link when I get around to pimping.

  51. Many happy returns of the day Sir! I hope you had a good one.

  52. Woo hoo.
    Party bag with attitude.
    Many happy returns.

  53. Happy birthday mate! Remember, you're only as old as the significant other you feel.

    I don't own or play anything from the Lardies. Does that make me a complete Lardite? ;-) I'll get my coat...

  54. Happy birthday! Aren't you thankful that you're not required to drink one shot for each year lived? ;-)

  55. Happy birthday! Love the blog. I do not own any TFL rules but I have been dying to get a hold of CoC for months now. I also play bolt action. All the best!

  56. Right, done the referral on my blog (cos I don't like this 'pimping' malarkey) and I hereby confess that I already have LFS3. Think that's about it. I never win anything so it's academic really, but I'd opt for "Charlie Don't Surf" to be honest.

    More importantly, hope you had a good birthday and don't get too browned off at the '50' jokes and advice about what to do when things stop working or start falling off. I'll be 60 this year and I'm still waiting for things to actually start working!

    Good blog, by the way.


  57. Happy Birthday Mike and a single entry for me please. Enjoying Dux B. quite a bit lately.:-)


  58. Happy Birthday! Half a century! Quite a good start I think. Please put me down for a go. Thanks so much.

  59. Happy Birthday! I don't play BA and I do love TFL, but I will have to wait a few months before I can pick up CoC. Hope all goes well with it and that you had an enjoyable b-day.

  60. Happy birthday sir!
    I have duly posted about your esteemed blog on my own humble effort at http://hereford1938.blogspot.co.uk/2013/08/yet-another-for-freebies-post.html
    To my shame I do not own, nor have I ever played, any Lardiness.

  61. Hi Mike,

    happy birthday to you!
    I whisch you health, happiness and all the best for the next 50 years!

    I would be pleased to enter your prize draw and by the way I do play Bolt Action. ;-)


  62. Happy birthday Mike.

    For full disclosure I have not played BA (though I have a copy) and have almost all the TFL rules.


  63. Happy Birthday Mike

    50 myself in September; only thing not working is the kids!!

    I think we may be close (I am nr Mansfield Notts; if I recall you a little further north)?

    Maybe we could meet for some Lardy combat!

    Play IABSm and Dux B and already ordered CoC after a great playtest ant the Market Larden day.


  64. Happy birthday Mike, great blog. Life begins at 50!
    I bought IABSM just 6 hours ago or I would have had 2 entries. Never played Bolt Action.

  65. Happy Birthday! I do not play Bolt Action and do own a lot of TFL games, alas :-)

  66. Happy birthday, Mike!
    I can honestly say I haven't touched a single TFL game, but CoC is on my list to grab the day it comes out (tablet version; US shipping isn't fun!). No Bolt Action yet (though I did order a Warlord US Airborne Platoon to paint up for CoC :D).
    Found your link on TMP. Thanks for this generous opportunity!

    1. And by TMP, I of course mean the TFL Yahoo group...which I found through TMP.

  67. A slightly late check in,, but still hope you had a great Birthday.

    2 entries for me then, as I don't own any TFL stuff at all!

  68. Happy birthday - a most generous offer to celebrate with!

    Do please count me in. I ain't claim the be new to the Lard, as I enjoy some Sharpe Practice. But I have publicised your giveaway:

  69. Happy Birthday! Hope you dressed properly and not in your birthday suit!
    I own the Black Powder rules and some troops, but haven't played other than small solo sessions to learn the rules. Sadly I don't have any of the TFL rules, but there might be a change to that, ey? ;-)

    Here's to at least 50 more years of gaming to you!

  70. Congrats on reaching half a century!

    I plugged your giveaway here: http://laughingferret.blogspot.com/2013/08/keep-silent-het-spread-word-for-free.html

    As for the rest, I recently bought the Bolt Action rules, but have only had the chance to play test it one night so far, I don't own any TFL rules, but I was interested after hearing about CoC on M&M podcast. and lastly: haven't plugged the giveaway anywhere unique beyond my blog. I'll consider waving signs outside the Vatican if someone will spring for a plane ticket to Rome. Just let me know.

  71. Mike,

    Enter me!
    1) I do play Bolt Action! Oh, I am a SARGE also for Warlord to promote the game!
    2) Never played Fat Lardies stuff, sounds very interesting.
    3) Pimped: http://diceoflegends.blogspot.com/2013/08/pimping-contest-you-want-some-cool-ww2.html
    4) Also, spammed it on Bolt-Action-Florida a Yahoo group I started....

  72. Happy Birthday!
    I do play Bolt Action, Brits and Germans.
    I have never so much as seen a Too Fat Lardies rulebook. I suspect that if I were to win this I would be placing a massive order...

  73. Interesting...

    Happy birthday to you!

    I'd also like to be entered, i love skirmish level games, have a compliment of germans, ive used to play bolt action and operation squad, and i dont own or play any too fat lardies rules :)

  74. Happy birthday! Not a Bolt Action player myself but I'm intrigued with Chain of Command.

  75. Happy Birthday chap and I can see that you have had a great trip. I have just played to play Bolt Action but mainly for play Very British Civil War and have not played any of the Fat Lardies games or even have a copy. I am pimping this on my blog too.

  76. Happy Birtday mate!
    Playing mostly TFL so i won't get any point for that

  77. You are Kolly Kibber.

    Happy belated birthday.

  78. Happy birthday! And thanks for everything you do!

  79. Happy birthday! I am not that far behind you...

    I own Bolt Action, but have only played a handful of games. Honestly, wasn't too crazy about it.

    I have never played a Lardie game, although in truth I recently picked up Dux Britanniarum and IABSM on word of mouth.

  80. Happy birthday! I am not that far behind you...

    I own Bolt Action, but have only played a handful of games. Honestly, wasn't too crazy about it.

    I have never played a Lardie game, although in truth I recently picked up Dux Britanniarum and IABSM on word of mouth.

  81. Happy Birthday Mike. Love the blog - keep up the good work.

    I put in my plug for you over at the Repple Depple


  82. Happy Birthday...I've never played a Two Fat Lardies game...of any kind.

  83. Happy belated Birthday Mike! Side note my brother turns 42 today.
    I would be a single entry persona s I already have many of the Lardie games, am on the yahoo group etc. I also preordered already but it should keep me buying the Specials should I be fortunate enough to win.

    All the best,

  84. Happy Birthday Mike!
    Pesky Google+ ate my last reply.
    I'd be a single entry punter as I already have lots of the lard products and preordered CoC as well.
    A hopefull win would keep me in Specials for a while so that would be welcome.

    All teh best,

  85. Happy birthday, may there be many more.

  86. Happy birthday, may there be many more.

  87. Happy Birthday!

    Please enter me in the drawing. I have never played or own any Lardies games. I am a regular Bolt Action player but I am always looking for new WW2 games.


  88. I am a lardy-sceptic who owns 0 of their rules but is willing to be convinced.

    And happy birthday!

  89. Happy birthday, I've got a little while to go, but heading for the big 5 as well :D

    I hope you enjoyed your day, and got a couple of nice presents...

    Take care

  90. A chance for CoC? Sign me up. Never played a Lardy set before, but I've played a couple of games of Bolt Action.

    Looking forward to these ones based on the videos.

    Oh, and congratulations on turning 50!


  91. Happy belated 50th!

    Although I have not played any of the Fat Lardies, I do relish the chance to get my hands all dirty!

  92. Best Birthday wishes!

    I haven't had the chance to play any Too Fat Lardies or Bolt Action. Although I do hear good things and would love to try em out.

  93. Happy birthday late - and I've played a couple games of Bolt Action.

    Links forthcoming

  94. Happy Late Birthday, I've never played any Two Fat Lardies games.

  95. Here is where I link to the blog! http://inexperiencedmodelmaker.blogspot.cz/2013/08/birthday-prize-draw.html

    For the bonus points, I own and play Bolt Action, and don't own or play any Two Fat Lardies rules systems.

  96. Happy Birthday, good luck in your Wab tourney tomorrow. Looking forward to getting home Wednesday to download CoC. Did some play testing on Bolt Action but we were never credited - too critical I think. I would pu this towards Charlie Don't Surf as I have preordered CoC already.


  97. Just a young thing then? Belated happy birthday anyway.


  98. A belated happy birthday. Unfortunately I already have the game on pre-order...


  99. 50 remember it well! Enjoy and please include me in your draw. I have played Bolt Action but no Lardie rules.....Peace Paul


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